Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachfrage an UrlaubCornwall. Unser Reisepartner wird in Kürze mit Ihnen Kontakt aufnehmen.
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Higher Rosevine Farm is an attractive collection of luxury barns that are situated around a central courtyard planted with olive trees and large Mediterranean pots giving a relaxed and comfortable summer vibe. The three traditional stone barns have been sympathetically remodelled and upgraded to a high standard. [Samphire (4487)]( "Samphire"), Sea Thrift (4485) and [Mimosa (4486)]( "Mimosa") are surrounded by beautiful countryside on the unspoilt Roseland peninsula with its fantastic uncrowded beaches and amazing coastal walks, along with safe waters for … Lesen Sie mehr
An-/Abreisetag am: Freitag
Mieten: Von £748 bis £1550
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